AC/DC Used Fireworks To Find Loch Ness Monster

As AC/DC gear up for their big “Power Up” reunion, they’re looking back at the good times they’ve had over the years. That includes a drunken plan to find Scotland’s Loch Ness monster… using fireworks.

In an interview with “NME,” Brain Johnson remembers the time he and Malcolm Young tried to use fireworks to find the folklore creature. They were taking land rovers for a trip around Scotland, and Malcolm apparently loves fireworks so he had a big box with him… and they’d admittedly set out on the adventure with some liquid courage.

In that state, it made perfect sense to try to attract the monster with fireworks. They went in the water, drink in one hand and fireworks in the other, “trying to set fire to the loch.” By the end of the night, they had straw in their hair and were covered in mud. Their takeaway? “What a night!”


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