The Inner Canyon: Rafting Down the Colorado River At The Farmington Museum

Photo: McGrath, Nick

Local artist’s show opens at the Farmington Museum

Local artist Marilyn Taylor’s show “The Inner Canyon: Rafting Down the Colorado River” is now on display at the Farmington Museum, 3041 E Main Street. A free artist’s reception will be held on Saturday, June 19 from 2:00 to 4:00 p.m. Come hear Ms. Taylor relate her adventures rafting through the Grand Canyon and how it inspired her latest body of work. Gallery talks will be held at 2:30 and 3:30 p.m. with Ms. Taylor. The exhibit is free to visit during regular museum hours, Monday through Saturday 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. $3 donations are welcome.

For more information visit or call (505) 599-1174.

About Marilyn Taylor

“Art has been my focus for the last eleven years. Joseph Cambell’s quote, ‘Follow your bliss and doors and opportunities will open for you.’, became my mantra. It led me to Artifacts Gallery where I have my Studio. I signed up for classes with Rod Hubble, a master impressionist oil painter and great teacher. The Four Corners Plein Air Painters accepted me as a member. I had a solo show at San Juan College early in my career. I painted with the Plein Air group at Big Bend National Park and we have had our work featured in two different shows at Sol Ross University. I have displayed and sold my work at local outdoor venues. Artifacts Gallery has featured my art and I am building a following of patrons there. I especially enjoy teaching new artists how to paint. A customer once told me my work spoke to her soul. When a customer chooses me to commission a painting I am greatly honored. My subject matter is a reflection of how I see the world and the many things that catch my interest. I paint birds, trains, flowers, landscapes plus a myriad other things. My style is varying degrees of realism, driven by my subject matter and my mood. Trains and architecture tend to be more representational, while Plein Air landscapes are more impressionistic. My current show at the Gateway Museum features paintings from photographs I took on a rafting trip down the Grand Canyon. My goal was for the viewer to see the inner canyon through my eyes. Each painting brought me back to that moment on my trip. I followed my bliss and look where it has led me!”

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