Doc Explains How to Get Rid Of An Unwanted Boner In 30 Seconds

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Any guy knows that feeling of discomfort, embarrassment, and inconvenience that comes along with a surprise boner. You could be at the gym, at work, or and some other boner-inappropriate venue, and then…boing…you’ve got to quickly find a seat or do that odd bent-over shift & shuffle to hide your apparent excitement for the moment.

Rather than panic, there’s actually something you can do about it…and it should only take you 30 seconds to pull it off…so to speak. Dr. Karan Raj says it’s all just a matter of blood flow, and it can be handled with the simple act of flexing.

  • Raj says that “when you tense a muscle, especially a large one,” blood flow will be directed towards that muscle.
  • It then stands to reason that the blood will be directed away from your throbbing love missile, and towards you legs, butt, arms, or whatever other muscle group you happen to be tensing up.
  • For most guys, that will give you a remedy that takes care of the situation in about half-a-minute.

Medically speaking, if this is a common problem for you, then a visit to your doc might be in order. You might some issues going on that might range from fluctuating testosterone, stress, or even something as simple as wearing pants that are too tight.

Source:Men’s Health

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