What The Movies Get Wrong About Your Job

In the movies, everything looks exciting. Even the most mundane and predictable job can have breathtaking, sexy, and action-filled moments. The reality of those jobs, however, is never anywhere near that level of excitement…just ask these workers.

  • Taxi Driver – “No one has ever asked me to ‘follow that car’.”
  • Scientists – “When sci-fi scientists rig up a massive, complex experiment and it works the first time. That never happens.”
  • IT Professionals – “We’re not all hackers, and when I don’t know the answer…I use Google. They got the cargo shorts right, though.”
  • EMTs – “If you stop CPR to pound on a patient’s shoulders, yell at them to “come back, dammit,” and give them a kiss…they’re probably going to die.”
  • Mental Health Technicians – “We’re not eager to give injections unless it’s absolutely necessary. Too much paperwork.”
  • Bomb Techs – “We will blow up 20 robots before sending a guy to ‘cut the red wire’.”
  • HVAC – “No one is ever going to roam throughout a building through the ductwork.”
  • Lawyers – “If I yelled at a witness like that, I’d be disbarred…and its three months of paperwork for one day in court.”
  • Truck Drivers – “If an air line gets broken or cut, the brakes will engage, and the truck will stop.”
  • Jail Workers – “We don’t legally owe you a phone call.”

Source: Bored Panda

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