AEROSMITH, U2 & THE WHO: Among the Worst and Best Halftimes

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1) Janet Jackson and Justin Timberlake - Super Bowl 38 - 2004: With support from NellyJessica Simpson and Kid Rock, this fiasco ended with Timberlake tearing off part of Janet’s bustier to reveal her nipple. "The backlash from this moment would rattle popular culture for years, and for no good reason at all."

2) Elvis Presto - 23 - 1989: A video of an Elvis-impersonating magician. "We defy you to get through this video without cringing so hard you pull a muscle."

3) AerosmithBritney SpearsN’SyncNelly and Mary J. Blige - 35 - 2001: "In attempting to appeal to everyone, this dog’s breakfast of musical styles (and fashion) ends up collapsing in an incredibly awkward 'Walk This Way' strut-dance-singalong. Hey, it was 2001, nobody knew any better."

4) It’s A Small World - 25 - 1991: "The whiplash of going from Whitney Houston’s transcendent national anthem to this gloppy Disney mess should’ve put viewers in concussion protocol... If you’re tempted to complain about current halftime shows, take a good hard look at what your parents and grandparents had to put up with, and stop complaining."

5) Blues Brothers - 21 - 1997: "Not even appearances by ZZ Top and James Brown can redeem this catastrophe, although it’s funny to think about little kids all over the country asking their parents what 'Tush' is."

6) The Black-Eyed PeasUsher Slash - 45 - 2011: "An attempted musical stew that ended up more like neon-glowing sludge..."

7) Winter Magic - 26 - 1992: "This Ice Capades silliness didn’t belong anywhere near an NFL field, and the league finally started shoving these productions off the stage soon afterward."

8) The Who 44 - 2010: "Everybody just looked weary as the band cycled through a five-song medley of their greatest hits. The 'hope I die before I get old' angle is tired, so let’s try this: Meet the new boss, so much worse than the old boss. Or maybe Old Man Wasteland."

9) Indiana Jones - 29 - 1995: "This was basically a televised version of a Disneyland Indiana Jones ride, and watching it was about as much fun as watching someone else enjoy a roller coaster. Whoever greenlit this mess chose poorly."

10) Paul McCartney - 39 - 2005: "[He] sauntered through a casual tour of Beatles and solo hits, kicking off a run of remember-when Boomer legends (the StonesBruce SpringsteenTom Petty) that would hold the line with safe, family-friendly classic rock until the end of the decade."


  1. Prince - Super Bowl 41 - 2007
  2. Beyonce - 47 - 2013
  3. Bruce Springsteen 43 - 2009
  4. Dr. DreSnoop Dogg, EminemMary J. Blige & Kendrick Lamar - 56 - 2022
  5. U2 - 36 - 2002
  6. Diana Ross - 30 - 1996
  7. Jennifer Lopez & Shakira - 54 - 2020
  8. Madonna 46 - 2012
  9. Lady Gaga - 51 - 2017
  10. Michael Jackson - 39 - 1993

Apparently performances by The Rolling StonesTom PettyAnita BryantGeorge Burns and Mickey Rooney, Chubby CheckerPhil Collins, and the Red Hot Chili Peppers didn't make the grade.

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