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Hot To Trick Yourself Into Decluttering Your Stuff

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There is nothing like the feeling you get from a freskly decluttered space. After the work is finished you get to enjoy the venefit of a tidy room, but the struggle to find the motivation to actually do the work is real. The best way to get it finished is hold yourself accountable and these 4 tricks can help you trick yourself into doing that.

  • Tell someone what you’re going to do - Simply telling your partner or roommate your plan to clear the clutter increases the chance you’ll actually get the tasks done. The strategy is even more effective if you share a deadline for completing it. And promising to send a photo of the finished result is even better.
  • Make a shared checklist - Another way to bump up accountability is to find a partner in decluttering and making a shared list of tasks you need to get done. Knowing you’re not in it alone can boost morale as well as help you get more done. Bonus points for encouraging each other and sharing motivational pictures of the progress.
  • Time yourself - This works because it increases efficiency as you’re trying to get as much as possible done in a finite amount of time. It can also help mentally since you know there’s an endpoint to the project and the more you do ASAP, the sooner it’ll be behind you. Timing yourself cuts down on procrastination and helps you reach the finish line even faster.
  • Get a body double - Body doubling is a practice that started as a self-management strategy for people with ADHD and it involves working on a potentially frustrating task alongside another person. That person is the “body double” for the person doing the task and the double’s job is to help keep them in the present moment, which cuts down on distractions.

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