ID# A1904555 – Max is a 1 year old, tricolor, hound mix. Max is a smart, sweet boy! He seems to know “sit” and “shake”. He takes treats gently from your hand. He is excellent on leash and mostly stays by your side when walking. Max enjoys pets and if you give him lots of pets, he may even hop in your lap! Come and visit Max, you won’t be disappointed.
To view and/or adopt pets, simply arrive at either of the open location. We are not able to move a pet from one location to another for your viewing. Anyone wanting to adopt a pet visit our website at to see available pets.
Eastside Adoption Center, 8920 Lomas Blvd NE; 10:30 to 6, closed Mondays
Westside Adoption Center, 11800 Sunset Gardens SW; 10:30 to 6, closed Mondays
Lucky Paws Adoption Center, Coronado Mall, 6600 Menaul NE, 87110; Monday thru Saturday, 11:00AM – 6:00PM, Sundays 12:00PM – 6:00PM.
Join Animal Welfare at Woofstock, coming up on Saturday, September 21st from 10:00AM – 3:00PM at Venus Park in Edgewood, located at 181 NM 344. There will be lots of pet related vendors, a great time for the whole family.