When you’re worth billions of dollars, your dating options expand exponentially. That goes double when you’re in the news because you’re about to be divorced. When Bill Gates gets un-hitched, he’ll be single and ready to mingle and SportsBetting.ag is taking bets as to who he’ll eventually hook up with. Currently, Ann Winbald is the odd-on favorite. She and Gates dated before he married Melinda, and even gave her blessing for the union. Given that the duo still makes time for an annual “getaway,” the odds for this one happening are being set at three-to-one.
After that, things get interesting…
- Shari Arison (Israeli businesswoman) –25-1
- Jennifer Aniston/Teri Hatcher –33-1
- Angelina Jolie/Drew Barrymore/Kim Kardashian –50-1
- Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez –66-1
- Caitlyn Jenner/Greta Thunburg –100-1
- Queen Elizabeth II –1,000-1
It’s your money, so choose wisely. Remember, bet with your head…and not your heart.
Source:NY Daily News