The Morning Show with Swami, Skyler and Mahoney

The Morning Show with Swami, Skyler and Mahoney

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Arachnid Causes Painful Erections

Macro photography of a large Huntsman Spider caught in my sons bedroom on the wall in Sydney Australia

Photo: Elias / iStock / Getty Images

A supermarket in Austria has been forced to close down because of a venomous spider that causes painful erections in men.

Workers at the store discovered a four-inch black and red spider and called police. Emergency workers came in and searched for the spider but couldn't find it. Based on a description, it is believed the dangerous intruder is a Brazilian Wandering Spider, which has been known to travel to Europe in cases of bananas. Its venom is extremely dangerous and has been known to cause convulsions, blurred vision, hypothermia, and even long-lasting and sometimes painful erections in men. 

The supermarket was immediately shut down and remains closed as the store is being cleaned and disinfected. (Daily Mail)

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