Click on Miles' picture for more info....
ID# A1892409 – Miles is a 4 year old, Black, Domestic Shorthair mix. Miles is a sleek and svelte panther cat who loves to stalk the birdies. He can be cool as a cucumber upon first meeting. After he is given a little space to warm up, he is very friendly and social with people, other cats and dogs too. Miles would be a great addition to a multi-pet household. Do not miss the opportunity to meet Miles, he is currently at the Eastside shelter.
To view and/or adopt pets, simply arrive at either of the open location. We are not able to move a pet from one location to another for your viewing. Anyone wanting to adopt a pet visit our website at to see available pets.
Eastside Adoption Center, 8920 Lomas Blvd NE; 10:30 to 6, closed Mondays
Westside Adoption Center, 11800 Sunset Gardens SW; 10:30 to 6, closed Mondays
Lucky Paws Adoption Center, Coronado Mall, 6600 Menaul NE, 87110; Monday thru Saturday, 11:00AM – 6:00PM, Sundays 12:00PM – 6:00PM.
All adoptions will take place at AWD’s Eastside, Westside facilities and Lucky Paws inside Coronado mall.